So, It's been a while so I figured that while I have very few readers- okay only 1 faithful reader (3 if you count my parents only AFTER I let them know I have a new post) - I would write a new one.
So, this is basically for you, Kell.
On Saturday I went with Rapha to a reinauguration of a Wizard school that he re-sold in Itapecerica da Serra (I have a REALLY hard time saying that!!!) Its about an hour and a half or so from Campinas and like 20 min. from the city of São Paulo. It's considered a "periphery" (is that right???) city of São Paulo. Meaning that its close enough to commute to São Paulo, but not actually PART of São Paulo. Its pretty much a ghetto. Well, the areas around it are at least. The city itself isn't horrid. It could actually be a really nice city seeing as it is located in the high hills surrounding São Paulo. But it's old and not well taken care of. At least the parts I saw. I am sure there are some wealthy, well taken care of parts. But they are few and fare to come by.

Ironic was the only word I could think of as we passed a huge favela and then like 20 feet away was a closed condominium of MANSIONS being built. Seriously HUGE beautiful houses. And the rich people complain when they get assaulted or robbed? Let's think. I'm poor. RIDICULOUSLY POOR. I get up at 3 am to walk to my bus stop on the highway (20 -30 minute walk?) I take a bus into the CITY of São Paulo (which with the traffic and depending on where I am going, could take hours). Then I work for 10-12 hours. Then I go home, which takes a couple hours. I do this 6 or even 7 days a week and I make about 380 reais for the month. Then one day I see HUGE mansions being built. I may or may not be a thief at heart. But suddenly it HITS me! I could get rich by robbing this place! Why not? I'll feed my family, move to a better neighborhood. Etc. OR maybe I am just a PUNK who lives in the favela, and am pissed off that I was born into a poor family, living in the favela, and didn't go to school, or whatever. And so I go and take my anger out on my rich neighbor. Whatever the case. Building a HUGE mansion next to a HUGE slum- NOT a good idea!!! Its actually just PURE stupidity! So, I don't feel that sorry for you when you get robbed. Sorry!

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