Friday, June 6, 2008


Brazil Disgusts Me.

As I was getting ready to go to work this morning, the tv was on. One of the main networks, GLOBO, was sharing all the exciting Brazilian news. One of the top stories was that now people who want a sex change can get it for FREE. Brazil is all screwed up. First off. Their public health system already sucks. And now they want to let people get FREE sex changes?? (And its NOT a cheap, easy surgery!!!) While there are TONS of people who have been waiting for liver transplants, or back operations for months or years????? Maybe, with all the money they will spend on sex changes, they could speed things up again for people who really are ILL! What a novelty! Second, instead of taking tax money to pay for a wierdo's sex change, maybe they should invest in education, seeing as their public education also leaves a lot to desire. And I mean a TON.

Why should people who make like 380 reais (or even those who make 10,000) a month have to get even MORE taxes taken out to pay for some transvestites's pervese desire to be the opposite sex? Whats even WORSE, is that the majority of the people (men) who want sex changes are HOOKERS!!!! You should see how many transvestite hookers I pass on the way to church!!! Its ridiculous! And, now there will be MORE! Because now its FREE! So let's encourage even MORE prostitution! And heck, for those of you who are looking for a legitimate FEMALE hooker, be careful! You just may not know what you are REALLY getting! FernandA may actually have once been FernandO!!

Some will try and argue that they were born in the "wrong" body. That they feel like a female but are stuck in a man's body. That's just TOO bad! If you REALLY feel like that, maybe we can convince the government's FREE health care to cover your SHRINK sessions! And help you DEAL with you FEELINGS! No one OWES you anything! If you REALLY want a sex change, save up your own damn pennies! I sure as hell shouldn't have to pay for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I had always dreamed of spending FOREVER in Brazil (which I haven't) this would be motive enough for me to get the hell outta here ASAP.......... CRAZY IDIOTS ...........


Marlo said...

Kristi, It seems like you have a little bit of pent up anger. Maybe you should go have a walk on the parlipepido in your high heels....or whatever the word for cobblestone is.

Rachey said...

Ha ha, I love bloggy rants! That really is crazy though, and the craziest thing about it is that other people aren't getting the basic care that they need. Pretty nutso, guess you better move back soon!