So I never really have anything exciting to write about here, but I try to make stuff up once and a while. I figure that today I will update all of my loyal readers...(all what- 3 of you?!) on our moving to the US process. Things are going pretty well from what I can tell. Our lawyer has sent all the paperwork in, the visa was approved at the USCIS dept. and now we are waiting for the consulate here to get in touch with us to schedeule our interview! We are aiming to be in the US by mid to end of september! Our interview will be in Rio de Janeiro, so we'll definitely take advantage of that to hang out on the beach after waiting all morning for some annoying person to ask us about our intimate relationship, why we want to go to the US, etc. We'll deserve some good beach time after that! Anyway, that's about it...
We are still up in the air about what we are going to do when we get to the US. NY for now, but maybe Provo for Rapha to study English and so I can finish school. I am currently toying with the idea of studying accounting since my daddy's a CPA and could hook me up with a secure job while studying and after graduating. I just don't know if I would love accounting. I am sure I wouldn't...BUT i hear all these horror stories of people graduating and not finding decent jobs because they want to work in their area, anything from sociology to animal biology etc. So, at least I know accounting will be around forever. The only 2 sure things in life- death and taxes, right??? What do you all think? CPA Kristi Hill Lopes? Scary.........

Accounting is a great degree; I don't know if I could handle it. It's just a lot harder to find work when there's not an obvious fit with your degree. I hope you're able to come here soon!
Oh, thanks for giving me some blog love. I really didn't I was THAT offensive, but I guess I am.
That sounds like such a process. I hope you get through soon!
Also, I think accounting is a good idea. Unstable people like you and I need stable careers, he he. You might get bored at work, but you can just make up for it by having lots of fun outside of it.
Sorry to be the one negative side of your comments...but I think you would HATE being an accountant. You need something with more freedom to express yourself...like interior decorating. Or cooking (UVU has a culinary arts department...) Or painting.
Accountants are very creative. We create ways to save taxes and plan for business transactions and value businesses and so on. Accountants get a bad rap.
Fautie the CPA Hill
I love accountants fautie:P
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