(As seen in above foto) Don't, however be fooled by the pretty design and beautiful scenery. These sidewalks are accidents in the making. When one of those nice pretty little stones comes loose, and you just happen to be walking and not looking down, you are bound to twist or even BREAK your ankle!! I am always afraid that I am going to trip on one of the loose stones, and fall into the street where a crazy driver (not watching where he is going, or caring whether he hits something or better yet someONE) will clobber me with his nasty beat up 1965 "fusca" (aka VW beetle) What else do I miss? Good service, a larger middle class, not seeing so many travestites, citcoms not novelas, cheap yet good quality clothing, comfortable shoes, SWEETCORN (I swear the stuff they eat here is what my grandpa feeds his cows...) wireless internet wherever you go, houses without walls around them, etc etc etc.............
1 comment:
then move back home!
and really. who thought it would be a good idea to make ICE CREAM out of corn?!
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