Monday, June 8, 2009

Hair today, gone tomorrow....

Two days ago mu husbund slept with a dark haired brunette, last night with a yellow ontop turning into orange, and then red at the ends, and tonight he is going to sleep with a redhead. HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAH I have NOT had good luck dying my hair, it was a REALLY bad idea to try and stip the color out of my hair at home and then put color on top- now i know why salons charge more than 100 bucks a hit to color difficult people's hair, like my own. Thats what I get for being cheap and wanting to save like 70 bucks. Gr. I may just end up putting black all over it again. How annoying. I hate hair, maybe i will just shave it all off!!!!!!!!!!


Adele said...

Oh sad!! I am such a cheapy too!! I hate paying tons of money... I paid it for a while, but I've decided now to just stick with my natural hair color... I figure, I must look best as a brunette if God thought thats what I should be! So... brunette I am... but it sure is fun to be blonde sometimes!

Jenn said...

I do believe we need a picture for this post:).

ixoj said...

You tell us this great story and then you DON'T publish a picture? I can't believe it.

You know I always think you should chop all your hair off. But you never will. Chicken.

Lindsey said...

Oh Kristi,
If you're looking to change your hair color more than two shades lighter or darker than your natural, definitely go to the salon because they'll have stronger products and lots of experience :) Another hair color ruin-er is dry or damaged hair. I haven't seen you in ages so I can't attest to the state of your usually gorgeous hair, but if it is dry or if you have split ends, those parts will soak up the color unevenly. You should treat yourself to the salon!

That said, I've been sticking with my natural color because when it's all said and done, it's the most flattering to skin tone. Good luck! :)


Kristi said...

I will post a picture at some point :) Just letting the color tone down a little. I know I should NEVER have done this, I don't know what was going through my mind!!! I was actually hoping to get back to my natural color and tone down on the dying (although I do have quite a few grey hairs already! SCARY!!) but I never seem able to get back to my natural color, even in a salon. Its really depressing! Sometimes I wish I had never dyed my hair to begin with! I may need to go to the salon here at some point....thats what I get for being cheap!!! :(

Anonymous said...

Fautie Says

What does Kelly want you to chop your hair off?


Kristi said...

Kelly ALWAYS tries to convince me to cut my hair really short for some reason. I dont know why, I think she HATES my hair!!!