Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Happy Birthday Amor!!!!!!!!  I meant to do this on Monday, but I was just enjoying the day so much that I didn't end up doing it!  So here I am, wishing my amazing husbund a super Happy Birthday (2 days late) on my blog.  This was Rapha's first birthday in the US and it was great!!  We had dinner the night before with my grandparents and family, played with a fun toy helicopter I got him, and just had a fun, relaxing night!  Then on Monday we just enjoyed the day together, went to see the Hill Cumorah, opened presents, went out to dinner with my family etc.  It was great!!  I'm SO lucky to have such a wonderful man as my husbund, and I look forward SO MUCH to have tons more birthdays, anniversaries, christmases, holidays, etc together!  So here's to the many more future celebrations we will share!  Feliz Aniversario amor!!

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